When his super powers started to show

I wold like to say Alfie was one and half when his super powers shown to me!! 

I started to notice he would shake his head from side to side a lot, at first i thought it was because we would dance to whip my hair back and forth as i do silly stuff. We call this our mad half hour, i say we meaning me more as Alfie would just walk away and leave me to it. I would always be saying “ Alfie come and join in with mummy.” He would just run off and do his own thing. That’s fine mummy will have a dance in the front room. I then started to notice he didn’t want to play with me, he liked to be on his own and i used to get really upset and think why does my son not want to play with me, i would try and get involved and he would turn his back on me and walk away and he was more happy playing on his own. I thought ok as long as your happy playing i do not want to disturb you. His speech also has not come at this point and i was getting really worried, so like you do you speak to your family members and they said he’s a boy they are lazy. As first time mum I did honestly think that was the case. I thought he will speak when he is ready. He did speak when we got our kitten in lockdown and this was the last time Alfie spoke. I will talk about this on another blog and post a video. I started to see Alfie would rock back and forth on his own and when I would pick him up and give him a cuddle he would cry and i would have to put him back down. As soon as i put him down he would sit and rock and i thought ok he’s happy leave him to it. I thought to my self I’m seeing things here that i learnt about in collage, i went to college at the age of 17 to learn about health and social care, and in the course i learnt about child development. I thought long and hard about all the things i had learnt, and then a light bulb in my brain lit up and I thought autism it makes sense. From then on i started to notice more and more. They way he would spin in circles for about 10-15 minutes and not get dizzy. 

Here is a short clip of him loving life!! The noise you can hear if you can hear it is his happy noise.

Sometimes I would join in as he liked this then he would notice and walk away from me and go and do it in a different room. 

When it came to be very upset he would bite his finger and his finger swelled and i thought right ok I need to do something to help him. I bought all sorts of teething rings and none of these helped as he didn’t like the texture of them in his mouth. I gave him his dummy and saw he was happy bitting that, so when i saw him getting frustrated because his toys wasn’t lined up right or a programme was on the tv he didn’t want on i gave him his dummy and it really helped him.

His superpowers kept on showing more and more and as a mum i wanted to make sure i knew how to look after Alfie. I kept note of all the things he was doing so when he was having his two year check with the health visitor i could raise all my concerns. So it was coming up to his two year check and i was so worried as we all get mum guilt, i hate it its like having a little pest on your shoulder talking rubbish in your ear to make you feel worse. I ignore the pest now and think nooo not today!!

So the day was getting closer for Alfie’s two year check and i had a list as long as my arm. I just thought that day i will get answers.

And i did !!


  1. Jade you are a amazing mummy what you are doing is brilliant you will help so many other parents ,loved reading this brought tears to my eyes xx


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