2 year check

 So it all started with a health visitor coming round, unfortunately it wasn’t mine it was someone me and Alfie had never met before. Its ok my mum was here as i was really nervous as i had lots of questions about Alfie’s super powers.

So she sat me down and explained that she was going to ask me lots of questions off a questionnaire that will show where he is up to. They was questions i never thought she would ask me. As i am a first time parent I didn’t know what to expect.

Every question she was asking they was all no. Can Alfie speak? No. Can Alfie jump on the spot unaided? No. Can Alfie stack these blocks unaided? We tried and the answer was no. I remember feeling such a bad parent my child couldn’t do any of these things, is it my fault have i not taught him properly. Then i thought i know ill show her what Alfie can do. 

Alfie can use an iPad even i struggle with that i am not a technical person what’s so ever!! He can stack his cups in size order and taken them down in size order. How we pushed cars together and how he likes to sit on my knee as i read a book to him. However none of these things was on the questionnaire she was asking me.

Once she was finished me asking all the questions she sat me down and explained that Alfie was in black and wasn’t where he should be on this chart thing. So i said i have some questions for you and i explained Alfie’s super powers to her.

  • Spinning and not getting dizzy.
  • Rocking back and forth.
  • Hand flapping.
  • Finger flicking.
  • Shaking his head from side to side.
  • No eye contact.
  • No speech.
  • Not answering when you shout his name.
I explained to her that I think he is showing very big signs of autism. She’s looked at me and said i think you are right!! 
I just looked at her and cried i was thinking in my head i knew it!! I was right !!
Time too get my son the help he needs. She went though all the specialist she was going to send Alfie’s notes over to.
  • Speech therapy.
  • Occupational therapy.
  • Early learning portage.
  • Paediatrician.
  • Health visitor (visits more often)
I have never felt a weight lift off my shoulders like this before. The relief I honestly can’t express how happy i was. My Alfie was going to get the right support and also I was going to receive the right knowledge on how to help him with his super powers.

I wanted to hug this lady but I didn’t as you don’t hug strangers and also didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable.
She left and said they will all be in touch but couldn’t give me a time frame as these specialist to have waiting lists. 
I thought I don’t care if can see a light at the end of a tunnel.
Then COVID hit!!


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